Please Join us for National Wear Orange Day
Please Join me every year in June date to be determined, to remember our loved one loss, to Gun Violence and senseless acts. Please post a picture,of your loved one, with you wearing orange, and holding their picture. If you choose not to be in the picture, please post the picture to our wall. Its power in numbers. This wall will represent, all the sleepless nights and tears we cry. We have to continue to take a stance and stop killing each other, we must uplift each only.
I loss my youngest son Shaquille T. Turner , on 12/12/17. I WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! The pain is unbearable. Mothers,Fathers, Siblings, Grandparents and Families, share your picture with your loss loved one. We must stand up! Continue to keep them alive. My heart aches for the families and understand the pain. Right now as I type this someone is being murdered. Even with all the losses to COVID people are still being murdered by GUNS! GUNS in domestic violence, GUNS because of jealousy and hate.GUNS to hide behind, because it make you feel powerful. No one wins,including the one that pulls the trigger. How many more? NO one has the right to take life! Please join me, a broken mother. Virtually. #stayhome #alltogether #stopsenslessacts #flyhigh #theloss